Best quotes by Jeremy Corbyn on Time

Checkout quotes by Jeremy Corbyn on Time

  • Inequality is a terrible waste of time, a waste of people's resources.
    - Jeremy Corbyn
  • The Spanish Civil War, Britain was not involved in it. Going back a bit, there was the naval blockade to stop the slave trade in the 19th century; that was morally just. Shame they didn't bother to abolish slavery at the same time.
    - Jeremy Corbyn
  • I'm quite concerned that if I spend time in the office, someone will always find something for you to do. There's always a crisis that needs your urgent attention.
    - Jeremy Corbyn
  • I still have the Triumph Palm Beach I was given for Christmas when I was 11. By today's standards, it is heavy and slow, but was my pride and joy at the time.
    - Jeremy Corbyn
  • I've been in Parliament since 1983, and I've been involved in many issues over the time.
    - Jeremy Corbyn
  • There is a democratic process in the party, and that can be operated at any time. But am I going to resign? No. Of course not. No. No. I will carry on.
    - Jeremy Corbyn
  • It is time we recognised the huge contribution that migration has made to the economic growth of this country.
    - Jeremy Corbyn