Best quotes by Jenny Ryan on People

Checkout quotes by Jenny Ryan on People

  • It is quite hurtful when people make a judgement without even really watching me and saying things like, 'I'm not watching if she's on' or 'I don't like change.'
    - Jenny Ryan
  • It's a better boost to my ego that people are commenting positively on my appearance than negatively.
    - Jenny Ryan
  • I get quite a lot of people chatting to me online. Some of the messages do take me by surprise. They can be flattering.
    - Jenny Ryan
  • I get a lot of people asking if my hair is a wig because it is in an elaborate style. I assure them it is all my own.
    - Jenny Ryan
  • People say I'm mean and rude to contestants but The Vixen isn't that bad! It's a game and I'm supposed to be intimidating.
    - Jenny Ryan