Best quotes by Jeff Zucker on News

Checkout quotes by Jeff Zucker on News

  • I think you could argue that President Obama could have watched a little cable news... I do think that there is value in understanding where the conversation is and having a little less detachment where the popular conversation is.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • CNBC is a very serious-minded financial news network, and what we've seen thus far from Fox appears to be not as investment-focused or financially focused, and that's good for us.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • I don't think Vice and BuzzFeed are legitimate news organizations.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • If you love television and you love news, CNN is the perfect place to be.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • I've always been interested in the news, but I've always been interested in what's popular. I've always had a little bit of a populist take on things. Which I know is interesting when you talk about Donald Trump.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • It used to be CNN and other television outlets were founded on this idea of a news wheel. You give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you the world. But that's not the way people consume news and information any more.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • In the cable news arena, you have two partisan networks looking out for their viewers. I think CNN needs to look out for the rest of us.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • CNN is not and never will abandon our first and fundamental brand equity, which is news and breaking news.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • In an increasingly polarized world, it's hard to know whom to trust. CNN will be the only news channel that doesn't take a side.
    - Jeff Zucker
  • The world has changed - we can all get news 24/7 from any device, any outlet... but we want to tell different stories in different ways, and add to the news.
    - Jeff Zucker