Best quotes by Jason Chaffetz on Government

Checkout quotes by Jason Chaffetz on Government

  • What is the government doing or not doing in terms of tracking you, following you, investigating you? And if you're suspicionless, it should be none of the above.
    - Jason Chaffetz
  • The fundamental problem is that President Obama has grown government. He has grown the private sector jobs.
    - Jason Chaffetz
  • Government is not being honest with taxpayers when it renews existing tax breaks and calls them new tax cuts.
    - Jason Chaffetz
  • We have seen an outrageous increase in the size, scope, and intrusiveness of the federal government.
    - Jason Chaffetz
  • The American people deserve a blueprint for policymaking that is built upon the Constitution of the United States and the principles of fiscal discipline, limited government, accountability, and a strong national defense.
    - Jason Chaffetz