Best quotes by Jamie Anderson on Day

Checkout quotes by Jamie Anderson on Day

  • When I ruptured my spleen, I was about to win the overall Series for the World Tour, and I was at the last event in Vermont for the U.S. Open and was having a great day. Then I just got a little too excited and just face-planted, and I knew something was wrong. I really couldn't breathe, and my whole body was in so much pain.
    - Jamie Anderson
  • My mom and dad decided to homeschool us - I'm one of eight - because they really wanted us to be outside and learn some other fundamentals instead of it being school all day in a classroom.
    - Jamie Anderson
  • My personal medicine bundle is my backpack that I have at the top of the course. Each person's medicine bundle is different and sacred and not to be spoken of. I have some goodies in my bundle. And my power stone is a quartz crystal that I love and wear almost every day.
    - Jamie Anderson
  • I remember watching the summer Olympics as a kid and knew that I wanted to be an Olympian one day. At the time, snowboarding wasn't in the Olympics, but I knew that wouldn't stop me.
    - Jamie Anderson
  • My parents have always supported me, and they still come to my events and support me each day.
    - Jamie Anderson