Best quotes by Jami Attenberg on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Jami Attenberg on Knowledge

  • When does an object become a symbol? All I know is you cannot force it.
    - Jami Attenberg
  • I'm from the Midwest. We like to know who our neighbors are.
    - Jami Attenberg
  • For years I'd thought my color was black: deep, dark, thoughtful, mysterious. Black, you can hide behind. But now I know it is red.
    - Jami Attenberg
  • I know the bestseller 'Gone Girl' doesn't need an ounce of support from me, but that book was as sharp and witty as they come.
    - Jami Attenberg
  • When we are young - or even 32 - we often say 'yes' to everything because we're worried that we won't know what we'll like if we don't try it.
    - Jami Attenberg
  • I know I have a problem with semi-colon abuse and have written page-long sentences. Nobody needs to be reading page-long sentences, at least not written by me.
    - Jami Attenberg