Best quotes by Jake Shimabukuro on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Jake Shimabukuro on Knowledge

  • When you go into the studio or get up on the stage with people who have more experience or knowledge, you learn.
    - Jake Shimabukuro
  • You get older, you start meeting girls, you want to impress them. And if you happen to know an instrument, what you do is turn on the radio and try to figure out how to play popular songs.
    - Jake Shimabukuro
  • I know a few chords on the guitar, but I wouldn't be able do a show or even be part of a jam session with one.
    - Jake Shimabukuro
  • You know, the ukulele itself is not a very loud instrument, all right? And, you know, compared to like a trumpet, right? A trumpet is really loud.
    - Jake Shimabukuro
  • You know, I think music is very interactive. It's a - it's a language.
    - Jake Shimabukuro