Best quotes by Jake Johnson on New

Checkout quotes by Jake Johnson on New

  • My big break was really Liz Meriwether saw me in a movie called 'Paper Heart' and really liked it, and then saw me in a movie called 'Ceremony' because she knew Max Winkler and said, 'I want you to be in 'No Strings Attached,' but you gotta audition for it.' From that it was easier for her to get me in 'New Girl.'
    - Jake Johnson
  • I'll be honest, I like shooting 'New Girl.' I like the people. The show is still new to me. I've never done TV like this before.
    - Jake Johnson
  • In L.A., if you're in improv, and you're on those stages, all the big agents and managers and producers are watching those shows. They're not flying to Chicago to see the show. People are booking jobs off the stages in L.A. who aren't more talented than the guys in Chicago. But the most guys book out of L.A., and the second is New York.
    - Jake Johnson
  • I knew I wanted to be an actor for a long time, but I was based out of Chicago and then I went to New York and I did 'The Upright Citizens Brigade' out there. I had a two-man show with a guy named Oliver Ralli who's now in the band Pass Kontrol, which is a big band out of New York.
    - Jake Johnson
  • You know, what 'New Girl' is doing is they're bringing in really cool people. These are home-run people who aren't your typical guest-star-type people.
    - Jake Johnson
  • When people do get to see each other and know each other more - you'll see it in New York, all these cultures are together - other cultures become far less scary and less foreign to you.
    - Jake Johnson
  • What attracted to me about it was the cast. Working on 'New Girl' - I like working with an ensemble.
    - Jake Johnson