Best quotes by Jacob Rees-Mogg on People

Checkout quotes by Jacob Rees-Mogg on People

  • You've got to judge people, ultimately, by their actions rather than their words.
    - Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • It is hard to see taxing plastic bags as one of the great issues of our time that merits the foremost place in our finest statesmen's minds. It is an absurd little issue, a picayune proportion of household waste, and a pointless inconvenience in people's lives.
    - Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • If people ignore the rules already, new regulations are not likely to deter them.
    - Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • It is easy to defend the right of people to do things that fit in with the cultural norms of the majority. This includes practices that give personal pleasure but may be harmful, such as smoking or drinking. It is harder to argue for minority activities, especially those which stand out and may be obviously unsuitable in certain contexts.
    - Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • Zero-hours contracts offer an entry point for people who are either new to the workforce or have commitments that make it hard to work full-time.
    - Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • Assad is unquestionably guilty of the most grievous fault and has inflicted horrors upon his people.
    - Jacob Rees-Mogg