Best quotes by Jackson Katz on Women

Checkout quotes by Jackson Katz on Women

  • In real life, women don't enjoy being degraded and treated like objects/receptacles.
    - Jackson Katz
  • Elite athletes learn entitlement. They believe they are entitled to have women serve their needs. It's part of being a man. It's the cultural construction of masculinity.
    - Jackson Katz
  • Calling gender violence a women's issue is part of the problem. It gives a lot of men an excuse not to pay attention.
    - Jackson Katz
  • Most male victims of violence are the victims of other men's violence. So that's something that both women and men have in common. We are both victims of men's violence.
    - Jackson Katz
  • For millions of women and men around the world, the playwright Eve Ensler is a beloved figure. She represents the epitome of the politically engaged artist, someone who uses her creative brilliance to illuminate injustice and give voice to the voiceless.
    - Jackson Katz
  • Men are every bit as gendered as women.
    - Jackson Katz
  • Most people aren't familiar enough with what actually goes on in professional wrestling to know just how badly women are treated in WWE narratives.
    - Jackson Katz
  • A society that respects women needs to elect leaders who care more about women's lives than they do about their or their company's bottom line.
    - Jackson Katz