Best quotes by Jack Schlossberg on Politics

Checkout quotes by Jack Schlossberg on Politics

  • In 'Profiles in Courage,' my grandfather, John F. Kennedy, praised leadership that put country above party, elevated principles over petty politics and promoted progress before personal interests.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • On healthcare, climate change, nuclear disarmament, gun control and countless other issues, President Obama consistently made difficult choices and put the national interest over his own political interest to do what was right. All the while, he resisted the politics of cynicism in a system that too often encourages it.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • Politics definitely interests me.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • While Democrats may never adopt the policies of Ronald Reagan, they should follow his golden rule of politics closely. Reagan adamantly instructed his party members to never publicly criticize another Republican.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • Democrats, more often than not, do not play the game of politics correctly.
    - Jack Schlossberg