Best quotes by Jack Antonoff on Life

Checkout quotes by Jack Antonoff on Life

  • Human rights, no matter whom they affect, are something that should matter to all of us. It's always been a part of my life.
    - Jack Antonoff
  • Human rights, no matter whom they affect, are something that should matter to all of us. It's always been a part of my life.
    - Jack Antonoff
  • There's nothing more adult than being ripped away from friends and family, you know? Having to manage a life when you're not fully there, manage a life when you don't make a lot of money. It's very adult.
    - Jack Antonoff
  • I'm 30. I'm not that young, right? I'm not, like, 24 or 22. I'm no longer in the phase of my life where I talk about everything as in the future. Like, I'm in the future.
    - Jack Antonoff
  • I'm 30. I'm not that young, right? I'm not, like, 24 or 22. I'm no longer in the phase of my life where I talk about everything as in the future. Like, I'm in the future.
    - Jack Antonoff
  • It's a really natural thing: The people closest in your life are the people you want the first opinions from. At the end of the day, if you're not trying to impress those people first, then I think there's something wrong there.
    - Jack Antonoff
  • I feel like I missed a whole period of my childhood because I had a bunch of stressful things happen to me when I was like 17, 18, when people usually feel the most free in life, like going to college and like anything is possible.
    - Jack Antonoff