Best quotes by Homer Hickam on Moon

Checkout quotes by Homer Hickam on Moon

  • I want to make the conquest of the moon the United States' goal for the 21st century and, through that goal, to make us a great and good and happy country for generations to come.
    - Homer Hickam
  • For a country like ours that needs to stay ahead of the world or go under, we must do great, ambitious things - like going to the moon - to survive.
    - Homer Hickam
  • The mining towns I describe in the 'Helium-3' novel series are not unlike Coalwood, but there is one major difference: Those towns, rather than being located in the Appalachian coalfields, are on the moon.
    - Homer Hickam
  • When the moon was first visited in 1969, the astronauts brought back a treasure trove of unique minerals. Contained within specimens was an isotope called Helium-3, which turns out to be the perfect fuel for fusion reactors.
    - Homer Hickam
  • Tired of burning fossil fuel and polluting the planet? The moon is covered with helium 3, an isotope from the sun that is the perfect fuel for clean fusion reactors.
    - Homer Hickam