Best quotes by Holly Hunter on Work

Checkout quotes by Holly Hunter on Work

  • Sometimes it's the script or an opportunity to work with an incredible director.
    - Holly Hunter
  • The rhythm of my career has always been very static, staccato and then silent, and then a lot of work, and then none.
    - Holly Hunter
  • I would love to work more - I really would - but there is not a lot of stuff around and the stuff that is around is not very complicated; it tends to lie a little flat.
    - Holly Hunter
  • I don't offer advice to actors only because I've seen actors become successful through ways that would never even occur to me or that wouldn't work for me.
    - Holly Hunter
  • I've enjoyed the process of understanding who I am through my work and who I am in relation to others: the intense collaboration that acting requires and thrives in.
    - Holly Hunter
  • I remember that when I was in my 30s, a hot age for an actress, lots of offers were coming in, but nothing was great, and I didn't work for 18 months. It was at a really fruitful age, and I wanted to work. There was nothing coming down the pipeline that I thought was good - and then I got 'The Piano.'
    - Holly Hunter
  • Sometimes I take a movie that I know is not great; it's not great on the page, but I need to work. Sometimes I need to make the money. I need dough. I want to work, and so I'll take something that is compromised in some arena. But it's like, actors gotta act.
    - Holly Hunter