Best quotes by Hector Elizondo on Work

Checkout quotes by Hector Elizondo on Work

  • You know, a low budget, you have to work harder. You have to plan well; you don't have much time to rehearse.
    - Hector Elizondo
  • On those, I've said it before, I work free. It's the waiting they pay me for.
    - Hector Elizondo
  • I'm a parent, especially when you've had the intense parenting the way I had. It's all in the bank. It's all in the great experience bank. Those are your secrets. That's the stuff that makes your work rich, that's what you dip into.
    - Hector Elizondo
  • I work with Garry no matter what. What I wanted to keep going was the streak.
    - Hector Elizondo
  • I used to work, part time, in a deli, in those days when your parents made you work just so you should know what work was like. And you'd make 4, 5, 6, ten dollars.
    - Hector Elizondo
  • I started in radio, again accidentally. I wasn't looking for this kind of work at all.
    - Hector Elizondo
  • I guess I work well with others I handle younger actors well.
    - Hector Elizondo