Best quotes by Hailey Baldwin on Life

Checkout quotes by Hailey Baldwin on Life

  • I don't see myself as famous; I see myself as a normal person with a job that is not very normal. My work life is very out there and very public. But I do my best to maintain my privacy.
    - Hailey Baldwin
  • The thing is, I live a very public life, and I have to keep things personal, or else I have no personal life. It's very difficult.
    - Hailey Baldwin
  • I was raised in church. I was brought up in that life, and I think that it's very important for everybody to be in touch with their spirituality and to have a relationship with God.
    - Hailey Baldwin
  • I think that God kind of put me in the place in my life to not be quiet about it, not be quiet about Him, but to reach people and to inspire people.
    - Hailey Baldwin
  • My biggest goal in life will be achieved when I have a family, when I have my own kids that I can raise myself and bring up based on what I know. I always think it's the wildest idea - raising a whole, entire human is insane to me, and I've always wanted kids.
    - Hailey Baldwin