Best quotes by Guy Oseary on Music

Checkout quotes by Guy Oseary on Music

  • I'm a people person, very approachable. I go out every night, tons of functions. I love all facets of this industry... Music, film, TV, books, art. I love being around creative people.
    - Guy Oseary
  • Dance music is Madonna's base. It's what she likes, it's what she listens to. It's not anything other than that. She doesn't read what's on the charts. And if it's on time, great. This is who she is.
    - Guy Oseary
  • The labels are in a jam. For a company to do well in music now, it's got to be in all aspects of the business. And Live Nation is the risk-taker. It's leading the charge.
    - Guy Oseary
  • I've got one outlet now - music - and it's great to be able to sign someone that excites me. I'd like to also be able to do that with the scripts I get or books or TV shows... I'm not going to limit myself.
    - Guy Oseary
  • The new independent spirit at Warner Music is a perfect fit for a stand-alone label like Maverick.
    - Guy Oseary