Best quotes by Gregory Benford on People

Checkout quotes by Gregory Benford on People

  • The common liberal orthodoxy that living close to the land leads to eco-awareness is historically naive, considering that Mesopotamia, northern Africa, and the Mayan civilization were ruined by people who had lived there quite a long while.
    - Gregory Benford
  • DNA sequencing opens vast ethical issues. We shall be able to know who has defective genes. What will it mean when we can be sure we're not all born equal? Worked out, the implications will scare a lot of people. Insurance companies will not want to cover those with a genetic predisposition to illness, for example. Here lurk myriad lawsuits.
    - Gregory Benford
  • My feeling is that science is virtually an unexplored ground. It's very visible - more so all the time - but there's no fiction that tells us how scientists think, and they really don't think the way that other people do.
    - Gregory Benford
  • When Joseph Wambaugh writes about the LAPD, you listen because you know he knows the scene. Lots of people write cop novels, but they don't have that authenticity.
    - Gregory Benford
  • We have a name for people who create universes - they're called gods. There is no greater hubris than to think that we could take the place of godlike implications.
    - Gregory Benford
  • The people who built the space program - both Soviet and U.S. - were readers of science fiction.
    - Gregory Benford