Best quotes by Goldust on Business

Checkout quotes by Goldust on Business

  • Here are the five guys I learned the business from: Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat, Arn Anderson, Larry Zbyszko, and Bobby Eaton. Those guys taught me how to do everything in the ring. I learned so much from each of them.
    - Goldust
  • The business changes, and we don't all have to like the change, but it's, ultimately, the business is changed. But, that being said, I don't like it, and I'll tell you why. Because without the new school that we have right now, or without old school, there would be none of this new school, so it started somewhere, right?
    - Goldust
  • I love the wrestling business. The wrestling business will never die. It will be around forever.
    - Goldust
  • Push yourself to the limits, and you'll be John Cena, you'll be C.M. Punk, instead of complaining about other people that have done so, so much in the business.
    - Goldust
  • I've done everything that there is to do in this business.
    - Goldust