Best quotes by Glenn Gronkowski on Will power

Checkout quotes by Glenn Gronkowski on Will power

  • I'm very versatile, very dynamic, and I can work around in a lot of places.
    - Glenn Gronkowski
  • I can play a lot of positions, but obviously I haven't had a lot of practice at those different positions.
    - Glenn Gronkowski
  • If you go off the Senior Bowl, that's basically what I can do. I played H-back, I played fullback, I played tight end, I played slot receiver, I ran routes, I caught some balls, blocked, just doing that stuff.
    - Glenn Gronkowski
  • I just try to come out here, do my best, and try to help the team anyway I can.
    - Glenn Gronkowski
  • I can do it all, and I want to do it all. Put me on special teams. Ask me to block. Hand off. Catching passes.
    - Glenn Gronkowski