Best quotes by Gillian Tans on Experience

Checkout quotes by Gillian Tans on Experience

  • Friction still exists in travel, and we are on a quest to go even further to make the entire experience - from planning to staying and beyond - even easier with technology.
    - Gillian Tans
  • Every customer is different, and the travel experience is completely fluid, but the end goal is to find the best solutions.
    - Gillian Tans
  • There is a misperception among job seekers that opportunities for women in tech exist only for those with coding or engineering experience. To be sure, technology firms do need women with these skills, but they also need women with expertise in other areas, like marketing and finance.
    - Gillian Tans
  • Traveling is an experience that you can always carry with you. It makes the world come together more so we understand each other better.
    - Gillian Tans
  • The mission of Booking is to empower people to experience the world. Whatever people want to do, wherever they want to go, they can book it with us.
    - Gillian Tans