Best quotes by Gil Scott-Heron on Me

Checkout quotes by Gil Scott-Heron on Me

  • If you're supposed to be doing something, the spirits will come and help you. They have helped me out with lines I shouldn't have known, chords I shouldn't have known. Every once in a while I get lines from somewhere, and I think, I better write this down.
    - Gil Scott-Heron
  • Every show that sells out is like a hero's welcome for me.
    - Gil Scott-Heron
  • You know what has made me the happiest I've ever been? Seeing my son and daughter graduate from college. More than wanting them to be educated, I wanted them to be nice people. To see that they have become both is just a wonderful thing.
    - Gil Scott-Heron
  • I found my grandmother dead. It shook me up. I got up to make her breakfast, and I knew it was strange that she wasn't stirring. I went in to wake her, and she was laying in rigor mortis, and I'm done. I called next door, and the kid picked up the phone, and I was so wild, he dropped it.
    - Gil Scott-Heron
  • Womenfolk raised me, and I was full-grown before I knew I came from a broken home.
    - Gil Scott-Heron