Best quotes by Gerry Harvey on Internet

Checkout quotes by Gerry Harvey on Internet

  • If you are a manufacturer, an Internet company doesn't suit you. An Internet company does not display your product; it can't upsell. But we do a better job than any of the opposition.
    - Gerry Harvey
  • There is no Internet business in furniture or bedding. Zero - practically in the world.
    - Gerry Harvey
  • The internet thing is what I have the greatest problem with. I don't know if anyone in the media gets the internet thing and Harvey Norman. I think they have some strange interpretation of it that bears no resemblance to what actually happens.
    - Gerry Harvey
  • People are out there saying we have to devalue our properties because of the Internet, but it hasn't even come into play!
    - Gerry Harvey
  • Some analysts think people come into our shops and then go and buy the product on the Internet, but the manufacturer knows if the customer can't see the product and assess it, they won't buy.
    - Gerry Harvey