Best quotes by Gerrit Smith on Man

Checkout quotes by Gerrit Smith on Man

  • Truth and mercy require the exertion - never the suppression, of man's noble rights and powers.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • Our political and constitutional rights, so called, are but the natural and inherent rights of man, asserted, carried out, and secured by modes of human contrivance.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • I am a plain man, and I care and know comparatively little about rhetoric.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • But as well may you, when urging a man up-hill with a heavy load upon his back, and with your lash also upon his back, tell him, that be has nothing to do either with the load or the lash.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • Let the poor man count as his enemy, and his worst enemy, every invader of the right of free discussion.
    - Gerrit Smith
  • Let us tell our legislators in advance, that this is a right, restraints on which, we will not, cannot bear; and that every attempt to restrain it is a palpable wrong on God and man.
    - Gerrit Smith