Best quotes by Garry Shandling on Men

Checkout quotes by Garry Shandling on Men

  • I don't know why men are so fascinated with television and I think it has something to do with - if I may judge from my own father, who used to sit and stare at the TV while my mother was speaking to him - I think that's a man's way of tuning out.
    - Garry Shandling
  • I may discuss love, and I don't mind if two men fall in love, fine. Two women, fine. But I flinch when I think of two Jewish women getting together and having a child because the idea of having two Jewish mothers makes my head explode. I have one; I couldn't handle two.
    - Garry Shandling
  • I feel that everything I do in my life I can do in a shorter time than most men can. It's the quality, not the quantity.
    - Garry Shandling
  • It takes me so long to get tired of a man. It's women that are the problem. Don't get me wrong. I think men have their problems just as much as women.
    - Garry Shandling
  • Men who betray women also betray other men. Women shouldn't feel so special.
    - Garry Shandling