Best quotes by Francis Ford Coppola on Work

Checkout quotes by Francis Ford Coppola on Work

  • Usually, the stuff that's your best idea or work is going to be attacked the most.
    - Francis Ford Coppola
  • Most filmmakers can't afford to try something out that doesn't work.
    - Francis Ford Coppola
  • I had an older brother who was very interested in literature, so I had an early exposure to literature, and and theater. My father sometimes would work in musical comedies.
    - Francis Ford Coppola
  • As long as I can make lots of money in other businesses, I'll continue to subsidize my own work.
    - Francis Ford Coppola
  • I liked to work in a shop down in the basement and invent things and build gadgets.
    - Francis Ford Coppola
  • The stuff that I got in trouble for, the casting for The Godfather or the flag scene in Patton, was the stuff that was remembered, and was considered the good work.
    - Francis Ford Coppola