Best quotes by Florence Kelley on Women

Checkout quotes by Florence Kelley on Women

  • This position is untenable, and there can be no pause in the agitation for full political power and responsibility until these are granted to all the women of the nation.
    - Florence Kelley
  • Their effort to place the women upon the same industrial level with themselves in order that all may pull together in the effort to maintain reasonable conditions of life.
    - Florence Kelley
  • The very fact that women now form about one-fifth of the employes in manufacture and commerce in this country has opened a vast field of industrial legislation directly affecting women as wage-earners.
    - Florence Kelley
  • Hence, within the space of two generations there has been a complete revolution in the attitude of the trades-unions toward the women working in their trades.
    - Florence Kelley
  • The workingmen have perceived that women are in the field of industry to stay; and they see, too, that there can not be two standards of work and wages for any trade without constant menace to the higher standard.
    - Florence Kelley