Best quotes by Emmitt Smith on Me

Checkout quotes by Emmitt Smith on Me

  • For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • I've learned that football sometimes was an outlet. It was a way for me to release anger, release frustration.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • Sixteen games, to me, is a long enough schedule for anybody. We're already concerning ourselves with head injuries and bodily harm to all of the professional athletes. Add to extra games to it, (and) you are just increasing those risks.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • I don't have to put on shoulder pads and run out there and let somebody hit on me a little bit.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • I have achieved everything that I ever wanted to accomplish in this game and more so, for me, I have been fulfilled.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • My father is Emmit and my grandfather is Emmit, but I wanted something extra so I could separate my Emmitt from the rest of them. Even though on my birth certificate it has one T, I just added the extra T for me.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • If I didn't have a scholarship to go to the University of Florida or any school, I probably would have considered the military because my family could not afford to send me to college.
    - Emmitt Smith
  • If you know anything about me, I've never been a trash-talker. That's not even part of my DNA.
    - Emmitt Smith