Best quotes by Emily Berrington on Me

Checkout quotes by Emily Berrington on Me

  • When I was little, I was actually really shy. I really enjoyed doing school plays, but I found the whole thing terrifying. I cried myself to sleep once because I thought my teacher was going to give me the lead role. I never imagined acting was a viable career.
    - Emily Berrington
  • I was really into '24' at university, and it resulted in a lot of lost hours that could have been spent at the library. If you could have told me then I would be in it one day, I'd have hit the roof.
    - Emily Berrington
  • I did a geography degree, and if you told me whilst I was ignoring my geography degree revision in order to watch another episode of '24' that one day I wouldn't need that geography degree and I'd actually be in '24,' I'd have been quite pleased, I think.
    - Emily Berrington
  • I think 'Humans' has massively improved me as an actor.
    - Emily Berrington
  • I'm really rubbish with technology; I'm super backward! I think I got a mobile phone last out of all my friends. I really worried about people being able to get hold of me at any time - I really hated that idea.
    - Emily Berrington
  • I've taken that with me since working with him; in order to be William Hurt, you have use every moment like he does.
    - Emily Berrington
  • Luckily, most days filming, for me, have involved a bit of a workout, too.
    - Emily Berrington