Best quotes by Elvis Duran on Me

Checkout quotes by Elvis Duran on Me

  • I never graduated from college. While I was in a mass communication class at North Texas State University, I was on the air weekends in Dallas and knew more about major-market radio than the guy teaching. When I told him that, he failed me.
    - Elvis Duran
  • I'm still me, no matter if I'm gay or straight or whatever.
    - Elvis Duran
  • I don't think of me as, quote, 'coming out,' because I was never 'in.' I rarely, if ever, spoke about my private life and remain as neutral as possible.
    - Elvis Duran
  • I look at old pictures of me... and I don't feel like I'm that guy anymore, but then I look at pictures of me now, and I'm not quite sure I'm this guy.
    - Elvis Duran
  • One thing that makes me optimistic is other media from the digital world coming at radio. MTV tried to kill the radio star back in the '80s. And with all the digital services coming at us, people say it's a thing of the past - it's not.
    - Elvis Duran