Best quotes by Ellsworth Kelly on Me

Checkout quotes by Ellsworth Kelly on Me

  • When I see a white piece of paper, I feel I've got to draw. And drawing, for me, is the beginning of everything.
    - Ellsworth Kelly
  • All my work comes from perceiving. I kept seeing things that were brooding in me. I'm not a geometric artist.
    - Ellsworth Kelly
  • The paintings to me are always canvas; sculpture has always been metal, though I have made sculpture in wood, also.
    - Ellsworth Kelly
  • One of the first drawings I did in Paris - I wasn't thinking of doing drawings, but somehow or other, I kept drawing - I bought a hyacinth flower with a lot of leaves, just to make me feel like spring.
    - Ellsworth Kelly
  • My ideas I can find anywhere. And I draw because I have to note down my ideas or flashes - I call them flashes, because they come to me, like that. Not so much in the plant drawings. I have to see them.
    - Ellsworth Kelly
  • I have trained my eye over and over ever since I was a kid. I was a bird watcher when I was a little boy. My grandmother gave me a bird book, and I got to like their colors.
    - Ellsworth Kelly
  • Shape and color are my two strong things. And by doing this, drawing plants has always led me into my paintings and my sculptures.
    - Ellsworth Kelly