Best quotes by Elana Meyers on Sports

Checkout quotes by Elana Meyers on Sports

  • Regardless of what you look like, regardless of where you come from, you can be involved in winter sports.
    - Elana Meyers
  • All sports have a zone, but ours is at 95 mph. You can feel the speed; you can feel the wind. It's the most euphoric thing I've ever done.
    - Elana Meyers
  • I'm not sure I'll ever love softball as much as bobsled. It's like having children: you don't love one more than the other, you just love them differently, and that's how my love for softball is vs. my love of bobsled - two totally different sports with different personalities.
    - Elana Meyers
  • I played all kinds of sports growing up: soccer, basketball, track. You name it, I've probably played it.
    - Elana Meyers
  • I grew up playing softball, and at the age of nine, I decided I was going to be an Olympian. I didn't really know what that meant at the time. I thought it might be in a warm summer sport like softball, but I played a variety of sports growing up - basketball, soccer and track. I really didn't care. I just wanted to be an Olympian.
    - Elana Meyers
  • My mom has never cared if I did sports or not. Obviously, she's proud of me, and she loves the fact that I'm an Olympian and she's got these trinkets to hang around with the medals and whatnot. But if I wanted to do whatever, if I wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever, she was going to support me regardless.
    - Elana Meyers