Best quotes by Edward Hirsch on People

Checkout quotes by Edward Hirsch on People

  • Anyone who has lost a child will tell you that they don't recover their sense of endless possibility. Some people hide that well. But after a certain age, almost everyone is carrying something like that around, I suppose.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • The very good thing about MFA programs is their democratizing. They bring a lot of different people to the table.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • I'd say people do need some help with poetry because I think poetry just helps takes us to places that Americans aren't always accustomed to going.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • There's something really unnatural about losing a child, and there's something unnatural about having to write an elegy for your child, but I felt that I wanted people to know what he was like.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • Poetry is meant to inspire readers and listeners, to connect them more deeply to themselves even as it links them more fully to others. But many people feel put off by the terms of poetry, its odd vocabulary, its notorious difficulty.
    - Edward Hirsch