Best quotes by Edie Falco on Me

Checkout quotes by Edie Falco on Me

  • It's hard to notice things without people noticing me and that takes some getting used to.
    - Edie Falco
  • The high-grossing films are not all that interesting to me, I have to say. It's not stuff I would want to be in. Yes, you would want the big paycheck, but that's never really been my concern.
    - Edie Falco
  • My kids have never seen me scream at anybody. They've never seen an argument. There's never been even a cold silence. And those are things that I grew up with because my parents did end up divorcing.
    - Edie Falco
  • I have this dog named Marley, and it is a kind of love I had never known. I have a hard time believing Marley did not come from my body. I know that sounds insane, but I feel that connected to her. She made me realize I wanted to adopt children.
    - Edie Falco
  • I'm just not one of those people who thought having biological children was that important, to me it was more about wanting to raise a child.
    - Edie Falco
  • Being a single mother was the right thing for me. But I have a tremendous amount of help from my friends. They're in love with my kids, and my kids are in love with them.
    - Edie Falco
  • I never really wanted kids. I didn't not want them, but motherhood just wasn't something that pulled at me.
    - Edie Falco
  • I've never been all that interested or aware of what people are thinking about me or saying about me. I think that has kept me safest and sanest.
    - Edie Falco