Best quotes by Dorothea Dix on Time

Checkout quotes by Dorothea Dix on Time

  • Nothing seems to me so likely to make people unhappy in themselves and at variance with others as the habit of killing time.
    - Dorothea Dix
  • As you have learnt something of time, value and make a proper use of it. Once past, it knows no return; how necessary, then, that you spend it in improving your mind and fitting it for future happiness and usefulness.
    - Dorothea Dix
  • Time passed solely in the pursuit of pleasure leaves no solid enjoyment for the future; but from the hours you spend in reading and studying useful books, you will gather a golden harvest in future years.
    - Dorothea Dix
  • Attention to any subject will in a short time render it attractive, be it ever so disagreeable and tedious at first.
    - Dorothea Dix
  • 'Know,' says a wise writer, the historian of kings, 'Know the men that are to be trusted'; but how is this to be? The possession of knowledge involves both time and opportunities. Neither of these are 'handservants at command.'
    - Dorothea Dix
  • I am contracting continually a debt of gratitude which time will never see canceled. There is a treasury from which it will be repaid, but I do not dispense its stores.
    - Dorothea Dix