Best quotes by Donald Hall on Work

Checkout quotes by Donald Hall on Work

  • I would work until I got stuck, and I would put it down and pick up something else. I might be able to take a 20-minute nap and get to work again. That way, I was able to work about 10 hours a day... It was important to me to work every day. I managed to work on Christmas day, just to be able to say I worked 365 days a year.
    - Donald Hall
  • I think my very best work came out when I was about 60, not when I was 20. I was publishing all the time when I was in my 20s, and some of those poems I still like. And there were a few after 60, and in my 70s, that I like. But they became fewer and fewer.
    - Donald Hall
  • Some days I feel good about my work, and sometimes I feel I've never written anything worthwhile. That's par for the course.
    - Donald Hall
  • Poetry offers works of art that are beautiful, like paintings, which are my second favorite work of the art, but there are also works of art that embody emotion and that are kind of school for feeling. They teach how to feel, and they do this by the means of their beauty of language.
    - Donald Hall
  • Contentment is work so engrossing that you do not know that you are working.
    - Donald Hall