Best quotes by Diane Lane on World

Checkout quotes by Diane Lane on World

  • I've found there to be a tremendous amount of East Coast snobbery in the journalism world.
    - Diane Lane
  • The largest room in the world is room for improvement. You know, some mornings my thighs are fat. Some days my hair looks great. That's the human condition.
    - Diane Lane
  • I don't want to live in a bubble, in my craft or in the world... I can't, I would be cheating myself out of my generation and the world we live in.
    - Diane Lane
  • We live our whole lives, and in our dying moment, we have to ask ourselves, 'What did we really care about? What impact did we make on the world?' The older I get, the more I realize the answers have to do with how we affect and love the people around us.
    - Diane Lane
  • More yoga in the world is what we need.
    - Diane Lane
  • I've always had this unresolved desire to prove that I could get a Ph.D., or contribute something else to the world.
    - Diane Lane