Best quotes by Debra Fischer on Planets

Checkout quotes by Debra Fischer on Planets

  • Prebiotic chemistry on other worlds is going to be common. Plenty of small rocky planets will have similar chemistry. It's almost a given.
    - Debra Fischer
  • The universe has told us the most common types of planets are small planets, and our study shows these are exactly the ones that are most likely to be orbiting Alpha Centauri A and B.
    - Debra Fischer
  • Before 1995, the only planets we knew about were the planets in our solar system.
    - Debra Fischer
  • The gas-giant planets in our solar system all have large moons.
    - Debra Fischer
  • Diamond planets truly are the most precious.
    - Debra Fischer
  • Kepler's blown the lid off everything we know about extra-solar planets.
    - Debra Fischer