Best quotes by Corey Taylor on People

Checkout quotes by Corey Taylor on People

  • Playing live is a lost art, and you don't see a lot of bands that go out and play the way the older bands do. It's a celebration, and a lot of people treat it like a commercial or a distraction.
    - Corey Taylor
  • Some of the smartest people I know are metal fans.
    - Corey Taylor
  • People such as Hunter S. Thompson and the Beats were a huge influence on me, not just in what they were saying, but how they said it.
    - Corey Taylor
  • The people I respect the least are the ones that take themselves way too seriously.
    - Corey Taylor
  • The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a joke - the fact that Madonna is in before Rush and Kiss. Those two bands have influenced so many groups and people other than in metal.
    - Corey Taylor
  • When I write a book... it's the same essential approach to music as with books. It has to be something I want to hear or read. Hopefully the audience comes along, since that's the only way you can write righteously. I have to ask, 'What do I want to hear?' not 'What do people want to hear?'
    - Corey Taylor