Best quotes by Ciaran Hinds on Me

Checkout quotes by Ciaran Hinds on Me

  • I'm not a comic person at all. It never reached me in the north of Ireland, in the '60s and '70s growing up. We used to get stupid comics like 'The Topper' and 'The Beezer,' things like that.
    - Ciaran Hinds
  • I know I don't go looking for directors. I always wonder why they chose me.
    - Ciaran Hinds
  • When you find somebody who doesn't give and take, you go, 'Remind me never to work with you again.'
    - Ciaran Hinds
  • The joy of just being involved in something, of being part of a big process, just as a human being, it's nice to be part of people who are in the same enterprise, heading for the same goal, rather than, 'Oh this is all about me and my role. The story's about me.'
    - Ciaran Hinds
  • I've got a fairly low profile - I go and do me shopping when I need to!
    - Ciaran Hinds
  • To be quite honest. I have seen a few things in 3D, and it didn't involve me anymore than when I saw something in 2D.
    - Ciaran Hinds
  • When I was young I read 'L'Etranger' by Camus, and it made me aware of the strangeness of life.
    - Ciaran Hinds