Best quotes by Chrissy Teigen on Time

Checkout quotes by Chrissy Teigen on Time

  • Every White House Correspondents' Dinner for the past three years, I have broken my dress and can't even zip it, so we have to leave - that's why I've missed every carpet appearance. One time, we had to go into Virginia to find me a new dress.
    - Chrissy Teigen
  • I regret things all the time. I've never regretted not saying something. I've only regretted saying something.
    - Chrissy Teigen
  • I feel badly for those girls who have to be so waif thin, doing those catwalks all the time because, luckily, we're going into a different time - that's what they're saying, at least - in we're appreciating a curvier figure. But to be honest, I couldn't be like an hourglass if I tried.
    - Chrissy Teigen
  • I've tweeted incessantly about Nintendo and my love for Nintendo for a long time.
    - Chrissy Teigen
  • A supermodel is kind of that first-name recognition, but I'm not quite ready for that super part yet, and I'm afraid that by the time I am, I'm going to be too old anyway.
    - Chrissy Teigen
  • I'm not an athlete dater, really. I would get too jealous. They're really gone all the time. Different hotel rooms.
    - Chrissy Teigen