Best quotes by Chord Overstreet on Music

Checkout quotes by Chord Overstreet on Music

  • My real name is Chord Overstreet. I actually got my name because my dad is in the music business as a songwriter. I was the third one in my family born, and there are three notes in a chord, so that's how they came up with my name.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • My dad is in the music business in Nashville. I was the third child born in my family, and there are three notes in a chord, so that's how they came up with my name.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • I've been playing music since I was born.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • I would say growing up in Nashville has been a huge influence in my music. Growing up with my dad being a 2-time Grammy-winner, BMI songwriter of the year for five consecutive years in a row, and having the legacy he has is definitely a huge influence, too.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • My dad knows great music. So I'm taking music to him to get an opinion rather than praise.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • I like to check out of reality for a little bit when I listen to music and kind of go somewhere, so I feel like the more broken-down acoustic songs tell stories to me the best.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • I think that as long as you stay true to you when you're putting out music, somebody's going to like it.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • Seeing your music, how it actually affects people, it just encourages me to stay true to myself and write stories that I relate to and that are real to me, an experience that I've had.
    - Chord Overstreet
  • I write most of my music in my house, which is like a tree house.
    - Chord Overstreet