Best quotes by Catherine Tate on Me

Checkout quotes by Catherine Tate on Me

  • 'Writing' always means 'not writing' to me because I will do anything to put it off. I think this is mainly because writing anything down and then handing it over to a third party - especially in comedy - is such an exposing act that you naturally want to delay the process.
    - Catherine Tate
  • If I hadn't had a baby, a part of me thinks I might have turned up on the red carpets all the time and gone, 'Hi, it's me!' Maybe other people do it because they haven't got kids and they've nowhere else to be. But because I have, I don't feel like that.
    - Catherine Tate
  • I used to go red when anybody spoke to me. It's awful because you absolutely cannot control it. If you are a child that blushes, or is shy, the one thing you want in the world is to be the child who comes in and says, 'Hi,' to everyone and goes up and makes friends.
    - Catherine Tate
  • I'm an incredibly negative person, so any form of success is only ever going to be a relief to me and set my default position back to neutral.
    - Catherine Tate
  • Any degree of success or achievement for me is only ever a relief. My version of getting carried away is: 'Mmm, that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.'
    - Catherine Tate