Best quotes by Candace Owens on Black

Checkout quotes by Candace Owens on Black

  • If you are born black, and you don't accept your natural status as a victim, then the validity of your blackness is immediately called into question.
    - Candace Owens
  • I'm not a politician, I'm not in Congress. You know what I mean? I'm just a black girl that makes YouTube videos and tries to teach dialogue in campuses so they think before stepping into a voting booth.
    - Candace Owens
  • There is going to be a major black exit from the Democrat Party, and they are going to actually have to actually compete for their votes in 2020.
    - Candace Owens
  • The black community is broken up in general.
    - Candace Owens
  • I always say I was a liberal, but I wasn't active in politics. I just assumed I was a liberal because I was black and I was a woman. And I know now that sounds really foolish, but I had different priorities.
    - Candace Owens