Best quotes by Bruce Forsyth on Day

Checkout quotes by Bruce Forsyth on Day

  • When I was a child, life felt so slow because all I wanted to do was get into show business. Each day seemed like a year, but when you get older, years pass like minutes. I wish there was a tape recorder where we could just slow our lives down.
    - Bruce Forsyth
  • It gets harder every day to get out of bed. I don't feel like it loads of the time. It is only my exercise routine which wakes me up.
    - Bruce Forsyth
  • If I go out one night, I must stay in the next. It's the same with my golf. If I play one day, I don't play the next. I try to pace myself.
    - Bruce Forsyth
  • People think I rush around all day long like a raving lunatic. I'm much more relaxed than that.
    - Bruce Forsyth
  • My father earned every penny he had, and I would have loved to have bought him a Rolls-Royce because his whole life was cars. Sadly, he didn't live to see the day when I could have done that for him, which still hurts.
    - Bruce Forsyth