Best quotes by Betsy Hodges on People

Checkout quotes by Betsy Hodges on People

  • My first and foremost consideration is the safety of the people of the city of Minneapolis. And my first and foremost consideration is making sure that people can also express their constitutional rights peaceably.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • I actually don't believe in governance by referendum. I believe that we have a democracy, that we elect people to make decisions.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • The nexus of Donald Trump's hateful behaviors and policies around Muslim people and immigrants comes together right here in Minneapolis. I knew immediately that the people I represent were going to be very, very scared and very, very worried for their safety.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • When people are thriving, the city is thriving.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • Rightly or wrongly, as a woman in politics, you're being judged for what you're wearing, and people are paying attention to that more than they do with men.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • Professional people build relationships by doing the work together.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • When Trump's cronies are the people attacking you, you know you've done something right.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • If Donald Trump wants to harm cities and the people who call them home, he'll have to come through me.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • I am very clear with people that I am willing and able to make tough choices, and I will do that.
    - Betsy Hodges
  • What I like to do is have an opportunity to talk with people in neighborhoods and answer their questions one-on-one. I think it's one of the places I have greatest strength.
    - Betsy Hodges