Best quotes by Ben Gibbard on Time

Checkout quotes by Ben Gibbard on Time

  • People always talk about how time flies; it's become sort of a colloquialism now. You don't really understand it until you reach your late 30s and early 40s - and I'm sure time will move even faster as I get older.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • I'm not like a 90-mph fastball kind of guy, but I can hit 70 on radar gun. I hit 70 one time on a radar guy at one of those pitch-and-throw kind of things. I have a pretty good arm for somebody who's not a baseball player.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • To set the record straight for the God knows millionth time, we certainly didn't sign to Atlantic just for the money.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • You can't please everybody all the time, but I think for the most part we tend to maintain a healthy level of self-reference to kind of make sure we continue to push things forward.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • We never sit down before we start making a record and talk about this new sonic palette that we are going to try to explore. We always let the record kind of reveal itself to us over time.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • For 'Narrow Stairs', the majority of the songs I brought in were guitar songs - songs we could sit in a room and just play. I can honestly say I had more fun and felt more inspired on this record than anything that we had done in a long time.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • When we moved to Seattle, everybody kind of disappeared into different corners of the city and it was a very difficult time for the band.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • We all pine for a time in life when things were simpler. Even when they weren't necessarily simpler, hindsight makes them look a lot simpler. The reality of it was that it wasn't.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • When I listen to and play the songs from 'Narrow Stairs' now, that record feels like a record where we had established a style that arguably was more our own than it was in the beginning. Going into that record, I felt a lot more confident in my songwriting. It was a fairly prolific time for me.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • When you connect as many memories to your geography as I have, and then you see that geography change around you, you're forced to reckon with the passage of time.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • I read 'On The Road' in college. I was 18 or 19, and I had a particular quarter where I was taking biology, calculus, and physics. Those were my three classes. It wasn't a well-rounded schedule at all. It was hard, hard work, all the time - hours and hours and hours of homework.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • If you're going through a difficult time, and there's a piece of music that speaks to you - be it musically or lyrically or both - you are almost always able to access that music. You're always able to sit down with it.
    - Ben Gibbard
  • I still love 'The Cure' more than almost any other band. But they were really, truly like the first band that I really loved and felt was mine, you know. At a pivotal time in my life when I was 13, 14 years old.
    - Ben Gibbard