Best quotes by Ayanna Pressley on Me

Checkout quotes by Ayanna Pressley on Me

  • My mother did not raise me to ask for permission to lead.
    - Ayanna Pressley
  • For me, whatever vantage point that I'm serving, I'm going to be an advocate and do the work to actualize my values.
    - Ayanna Pressley
  • Let me be abundantly clear: I am black, and I am a woman, and I embrace both of those facts.
    - Ayanna Pressley
  • I have been really furious about the constant charges being lobbed against me about identity politics that, by the way, are only lobbed against women and candidates of color.
    - Ayanna Pressley
  • I'm an only child. My mother was raising me alone. We couldn't afford child care; child care hours didn't work according to her schedule.
    - Ayanna Pressley