Best quotes by Awkwafina on Me

Checkout quotes by Awkwafina on Me

  • I am American. If you drop me in Seoul, I don't think I'm going to thrive there.
    - Awkwafina
  • I think there are barriers, but I think for me specifically, my barrier is being rejected from the kind of hip-hop elitists that think I'm not appropriating it, but just not serious about it. They think I'm a Lonely Island, Weird Al, you know - like a parody rapper. So that alienates me from a lot of things.
    - Awkwafina
  • You can't really label me as a musician, a comedian, or a rapper - you know, it's different.
    - Awkwafina
  • I feel that its important for me to be out there and to represent the face. At the same time, for me as an individual, I think the Asian-American face can be crowded with the American identity.
    - Awkwafina
  • I think people always want to hear that there are barriers that exist for us. But the more I started to realize artists that are kind of like me in my lane, like, if they were white or African-American, they often had trouble because it wasn't the quality of their music: they just didn't stick out.
    - Awkwafina
  • I started with me as Awkwafina reciting 'Othello' monologues, and I'd send those to my friends. It started like that, and then it went into more music-y stuff.
    - Awkwafina
  • Rap was started by black people and, thus, is at the foundation of black culture. So people cannot always wrap their minds around someone like me being inspired by it. But if you listen to the things we're saying, they're authentically us.
    - Awkwafina
  • My grandmother can never really teach me anything because she skips steps.
    - Awkwafina