Best quotes by Ariel Pink on Time

Checkout quotes by Ariel Pink on Time

  • I want to stay in some era and remain there like a stupid idiot and see what happens when you try to pause time and not affect it. Not succeed. Not try to think ahead or think behind.
    - Ariel Pink
  • When a song blows your mind the first time you hear it, you don't know where it's going. It's blowing your mind as it's unfolding. Then there's that sensation that you're actually going to remember the song.
    - Ariel Pink
  • The media lies to us all the time, and we always believe the media.
    - Ariel Pink
  • My career is a burden, but I can't just fade out like a pathetic sore loser. More often than not, I'm just making a fool of myself for the hundredth time, and that wasn't part of the plan, initially. I'd be happier not having any kind of public presence whatsoever and just hiding behind the sleeves of the CD.
    - Ariel Pink
  • You have all these song titles and song time, and you put it in a certain order, and you slap a cover on it. That's a record. That's how I've seen all my records.
    - Ariel Pink
  • I have a strong impulse to protect history and time and the lineage of events.
    - Ariel Pink